Press Release
Alyza Harris, (617) 630-0945
Boston Globe Cites
Fern Reiss’s Search Engine Placement Tips
(Boston, Massachusetts)-January
17 — The Boston Globe this week devoted a full page to teaching
readers how to raise their website’s search engine rankings
using Fern Reiss’s tips on PR and blogging. Reiss, who has
been quoted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The
International Herald Tribune, Fortune Small Business, and over
100 other prestigious
publications in the last six months, now teaches business owners
how to get more media attention for themselves and their businesses
through her company.
“Getting good search engine placement is a way to make sure
that you get more attention from both the general public and the
media,” said Reiss. “And there are easy ways to do
it.” These include:
Sending out online press releases. “If what
trying to publicize doesn’t come up easily on Google, send
out a press release on the topic. Whether you use paid services
such as PR Newswire or Businesswire, or free services such as PR
Web, press releases will raise your search engine ranking.”
Becoming a blogger. Since blogs come
up near the top of Google searches, Reiss says, “Be sure
your blog pertains directly to your business. And be sure it always
contains a link
to at least one page of your website.”
Utilize lots of internal linking, to
make sure that website visitors to your more popular pages find
all the other pages.
As part of her workshops, Reiss teaches business
owners to use search engines to raise their visibility and media-attractiveness.
She also teaches how to write press releases that get picked
up, and how to craft the soundbites that the media loves to quote.
In 2005, Expertizing workshops, limited to just
six people, will take place at Ritz Carlton Hotels in
New York City on September 18, and Boston on September 25. The
complete schedule can be found online at
or by
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